
corona latest country wise update

Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 192 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan). The day is reset after midnight GMT+0.

oronavirus Cases:
view by country

Tot Cases/
1M pop
China 81,093 +39 3,270 +9 72,703 5,120 1,749 56
Italy 59,138 5,476 7,024 46,638 3,000 978
USA 35,060 +1,514 457 +38 178 34,425 795 106
Spain 29,909 +1,141 1,813 +41 2,575 25,521 1,785 640
Germany 24,873 94 266 24,513 23 297
Iran 21,638 1,685 7,913 12,040 258
France 16,018 674 2,200 13,144 1,746 245
S. Korea 8,961 +64 111 +7 3,166 5,684 59 175
Switzerland 7,724 +250 98 131 7,495 141 892
UK 5,683 281 135 5,267 20 84
Netherlands 4,204 179 2 4,023 354 245
Austria 3,627 +45 16 9 3,602 15 403
Belgium 3,401 75 340 2,986 288 293
Norway 2,385 7 6 2,372 28 440
Sweden 1,934 21 16 1,897 76 191
Australia 1,709 +100 7 88 1,614 11 67
Portugal 1,600 14 5 1,581 26 157
Brazil 1,546 25 2 1,519 18 7
Canada 1,470 20 14 1,436 1 39
Denmark 1,395 13 1 1,381 42 241
Malaysia 1,306 11 +1 139 1,156 26 40
Israel 1,238 +167 1 37 1,200 24 143
Turkey 1,236 30 1,206 15
Czechia 1,165 +45 1 6 1,158 19 109
Japan 1,101 41 235 825 49 9
Ireland 906 4 5 897 29 183
Pakistan 803 +27 6 +1 13 784 4
Luxembourg 798 8 6 784 3 1,275
Ecuador 789 14 3 772 2 45
Thailand 721 +122 1 52 668 7 10
Diamond Princess 712 8 567 137 15
Poland 649 +15 7 13 629 3 17
Chile 632 1 8 623 7 33
Finland 626 1 10 615 12 113
Greece 624 15 19 590 18 60
Iceland 568 1 5 562 1 1,665
Indonesia 514 48 29 437 2
Saudi Arabia 511 17 494 15
Qatar 494 33 461 6 171
Singapore 455 2 144 309 14 78
Russia 438 +71 1 16 421 3
Romania 433 3 64 366 14 23
India 425 +29 8 +1 24 393 0.3
Slovenia 414 2 412 12 199
Philippines 396 +16 33 +8 18 345 1 4
Peru 363 5 1 357 5 11
Bahrain 335 +1 2 160 173 3 197
Egypt 327 14 56 257 3
Estonia 326 4 322 2 246
Hong Kong 318 4 100 214 4 42
Mexico 316 +65 2 4 310 1 2
Panama 313 3 1 309 7 73
South Africa 274 2 272 5
Argentina 266 4 27 235 6
Croatia 254 1 5 248 5 62
Lebanon 248 4 8 236 4 36
Colombia 235 +4 2 3 230 5
Iraq 233 20 57 156 6
Serbia 222 2 2 218 4 25
Dominican Republic 202 3 199 19
Algeria 201 17 65 119 5
Taiwan 195 +26 2 28 165 8
Armenia 194 2 192 6 65
Bulgaria 190 +3 3 3 184 3 27
Kuwait 188 30 158 5 44
Slovakia 185 7 178 2 34
Latvia 180 +41 1 179 95
San Marino 175 20 4 151 13 5,158
Hungary 167 +36 7 +1 16 144 6 17
Uruguay 158 158 2 45
UAE 153 2 38 113 2 15
Lithuania 143 1 1 141 1 53
Costa Rica 134 2 2 130 2 26
Bosnia and Herzegovina 126 1 2 123 1 38
Vietnam 118 +5 17 101 2 1
Faeroe Islands 118 +3 14 104 2,415
Morocco 115 4 3 108 1 3
North Macedonia 115 1 1 113 1 55
Andorra 113 1 1 111 2 1,462
Jordan 112 1 111 11
New Zealand 102 102 21
Cyprus 95 1 3 91 3 79
Moldova 94 1 2 91 3 23
Malta 90 2 88 1 204
Albania 89 2 2 85 2 31
Brunei 88 2 86 2 201
Cambodia 86 +2 2 84 1 5
Sri Lanka 86 +4 3 83 2 4
Venezuela 77 +7 15 62 2 3
Belarus 76 15 61 8
Burkina Faso 75 4 5 66 4
Tunisia 75 3 1 71 7 6
Ukraine 73 3 1 69 2
Senegal 67 5 62 4
Azerbaijan 65 1 11 53 6
Réunion 64 1 63 71
Kazakhstan 60 60 3
Palestine 59 17 42 12
Guadeloupe 58 1 57 4 145
Cameroon 56 +16 2 54 2
Oman 55 17 38 11
Georgia 54 3 51 1 14
Trinidad and Tobago 50 50 36
Liechtenstein 46 +9 46 1,206
Uzbekistan 46 +3 46 1
Martinique 44 1 43 7 117
Afghanistan 40 1 1 38 1
Cuba 35 1 34 3
Channel Islands 32 32 184
DRC 30 1 29 0.3
Nigeria 30 2 28 0.1
Mauritius 28 2 26 1 22
Bangladesh 27 2 3 22 0.2
Guam 27 1 26 160
Bolivia 27 +3 27 2
Honduras 26 26 3
Ivory Coast 25 +11 2 23 0.9
Ghana 23 1 22 0.7
Puerto Rico 23 1 22 8
Monaco 23 1 22 586
Montenegro 22 +1 1 +1 21 35
Paraguay 22 1 21 1 3
Macao 22 10 12 34
Guatemala 19 1 18 1
Guyana 19 1 18 24
Jamaica 19 1 2 16 6
Rwanda 19 19 1
French Guiana 18 18 60
French Polynesia 18 18 64
Togo 16 16 2
Gibraltar 15 2 13 445
Kenya 15 15 0.3
Barbados 14 14 49
Kyrgyzstan 14 14 2
Maldives 13 3 10 24
Madagascar 12 +9 12 0.4
Tanzania 12 12 0.2
Ethiopia 11 11 0.10
Mayotte 11 11 40
Mongolia 10 10 3
Aruba 9 1 8 84
New Caledonia 7 +3 7 25
Seychelles 7 7 71
Bermuda 6 6 96
Equatorial Guinea 6 6 4
U.S. Virgin Islands 6 6 57
Gabon 5 1 4 2
Isle of Man 5 5 59
Saint Martin 5 5 129
Suriname 5 5 9
Bahamas 4 4 10
Greenland 4 4 70
Eswatini 4 4 3
Cayman Islands 3 1 2 46
Curaçao 3 1 2 18
Cabo Verde 3 3 5
CAR 3 3 0.6
Congo 3 3 0.5
El Salvador 3 3 0.5
Fiji 3 +1 3 3
Liberia 3 3 0.6
Namibia 3 3 1
St. Barth 3 3 304
Zambia 3 3 0.2
Zimbabwe 3 3 0.2
Sudan 2 1 1 0.05
Nepal 2 +1 1 1 0.07
Angola 2 2 0.06
Benin 2 2 0.2
Bhutan 2 2 3
Guinea 2 2 0.2
Haiti 2 2 0.2
Mauritania 2 2 0.4
Nicaragua 2 2 0.3
Niger 2 2 0.08
Saint Lucia 2 2 11
Antigua and Barbuda 1 1 10
Chad 1 1 0.06
Djibouti 1 1 1
Dominica 1 1 14
Eritrea 1 1 0.3
Gambia 1 1 0.4
Grenada 1 1 9
Vatican City 1 1 1,248
Montserrat 1 1 200
Mozambique 1 1 0.03
Papua New Guinea 1 1 0.1
St. Vincent Grenadines 1 1 9
Sint Maarten 1 1 23
Somalia 1 1 0.06
Syria 1 1 0.06
Timor-Leste 1 1 0.8
Uganda 1 1 0.02
Total: 341,329 3,899 14,746 108 99,040 227,543 10,560 43.8

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